Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Finding Me

{The following was a self-imposed free-writing exercise I did in my personal in July 2011 to spark creativity and find my voice on paper.}

There are a lot of things that I am not.

I am not a Bible scholar, teacher, or preacher.
I am not a college graduate, historian, or psychologist.

I’m just me.

I’m not going to pretend to be somebody I am not. I tried the life of the pretender, but it just didn’t pan out. I started to be real, vulnerable, and authentic. I was surprised at what happened inside me—and in others. I was being healed and others saw it was a good thing. Not just for me, but for them too.

I’m still working out the kinks. I sometimes still try to be someone I’m not. But in the end I come back to who God has made me to be—me.

I’d rather be a real me than a fake you.

Being real doesn’t mean I air my laundry and become an open book for all to see. It just means I don’t fake it—most of the time. Sometimes I don’t feel safe. And when I don’t feel safe, I protect my heart. It’s called wisdom.

It’s messy, confusing, wonderful, chaotic, and an exhilarating journey that if I’m in a good mood I will refer to as an adventure—most days it is a journey. My life is like any other a journey of trust. It’s a journey filled with doubt one moment and great faith in the next. I won’t preach at you or strive to teach you anything. I figure Holy Spirit can handle that one.

I will simply invite you alongside my journey of experiencing God. I won’t admit I have it all figured out—because I don’t. My words are simple. I won’t try to impress you. It’s just not worth it. This isn’t about me—this is about you…drawing near to God.

Who are you?

Here or somewhere…be real
Share your journey.


  1. I think this may be my favorite article of yours.


  2. Love, love, love this article!!!

  3. Wow! A page written out of my journal! I am me, the person God created me to be, and I love coming along side you and experiencing God together! Thank you for the privilege!

  4. "I’d rather be a real me than a fake you." I LOVE it!

  5. "Id rather be a real me then a fake you"... love it

  6. Ahhhh, Friday is my catch up on blogs day.

    And I love this... really. truly. love.
