Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Writing the Mess

I am just an ordinary woman wanting to make a difference in the world—

Somebody’s world.

I choose to be real and vulnerable for someone—


to be impacted by the extreme and relentless love of God.

My journey is no different than yours.

It’s messy.

In a life marked with both wrestling and surrendering to Jesus,

I find purpose.

I write of God’s pursuit to fully capture my heart.

My journey is no different than yours.

It’s messy.

It’s real.

I am just an ordinary woman wanting to make a difference in the world—

Your world.


  1. Thank you for being real and vulnerable, for letting us see the mess, and thank you for letting us see and experience the extreme and relentless love of God!

  2. "I am just an ordinary woman wanting to make a difference in the world"

    You have made a difference in my world.
    Thank you.

  3. Laura, what a joy and a privilege to share our messy journeys together.

  4. Making a difference....
    Messy and all!
    Glad to be sharing!

  5. I'm so thankful for your commitment to your blog. I look forward to a new "Wednesday" read. The messier the better :) You certainly have made a difference in my world! Congrats friend!!

  6. love love love hearing your journey, it makes mine a better one with knowing yours. love you friend

  7. ...and for that, thank you. I for one have had better moments, heart-tugs, and soul-scrubbings because something you wrote got me.

  8. Great post Laura. Thanks for sharing your beliefs and believing . . . it struck a chord.

  9. I believe you are changing the way people look at things, one person at a time.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. And thanks for reading.
