Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Is it Okay for God to Be Quiet?


In the sanctuary—
He is here.

An angelic melody lifts heavenward. But He is not in the music. He is in the moments of quiet between the chords played and the notes yet to be played.

In the sanctuary—
He is here.

Voices unite to raise a shout to heaven. But He is not in their words. He is in the quiet moments as they catch their breath between shouts.

He is in the quiet moments of in-between.

Why did I ever believe my noise brought Him closer? Why did I trade the hush of heavenly peace for "spiritual" noise that only masked His majesty?

His quietness is holy. Oh so holy—

There is no equal.

Not even a word of praise, a song of worship, a clap, or a shout could trump this holy holy hush of God. No sound could ever be more holy while standing in the thick blanket of His quietness.

He is in the quiet moments—if we let the noise cease and allow the in-between moments to resonate… d e e p l y—we will know He is here.

Be quiet.

Your soul longs to settle,

And abide in His silence.

It is His silence that roars from heaven to touch the depths of my soul. It is His silence that deafens the darkness. And His silence that moves me close to Him.

It is in His silent presence in which He becomes known to me and I become one with Him.

I must be quiet.

My soul longs to settle,

And abide in His silence—His holy silence.

If I dare utter even a sound, may it be a single word,


More moments please. More moments in-between the noises and sounds of this chaotic world for silence to settle and the quietness of God to be free in me.



Do you feel God's closeness with sounds or in the quiet?
Here or somewhere…be real. Share your journey.
Quiet Music
The Vigil by David Nevue


  1. between moments to resonate… d e e p l y—we will know He is here.

    This for me is in my art room. I must remember that for me to create is a place to KNOW his presence.
    Thank you for the reminder and I guess I have my day planned.
    Love you friend.

  2. I definitely feel His presence in the quiet.
    Sigh. If I could just quiet my home and my mind.

  3. He is here, right here, even in between the lines.

  4. So beautiful. The deepest and most intimate moments I have had with Him have almost always been characterized by deep quiet and absolute stillness. It's a good place to be. -Cindy

    (P.S. Your blog still doesn't like me and won't let me comment as "me" but at least I can still leave an "anonymous" comment!)
