Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Somebody needs to hear…

        God is faithfulto you.

He sees where you are. He knows what you need. He knows…

He knows where you’ve been and how you got here.

The same God who rescued you years past, is the same One who will rescue you today.

He has not forgotten you, left you, or given up on you.

And No...
                He’s not disappointed in you.

Somebody needs to hear…

Gods love is big.

It will never run out—or dry up.
He can’t stop loving you—He just can’t…

Because He is faithful.

Somebody needs to hear…

        Gods not done.

He has more for you.


More healing.
More breakthrough.
More miracles.

Somebody needs to hear…

Hes got you. 

He really does.

Because He is faithful—to you.

I think the somebody is you—
I know the somebody is me.

Where do you need to see God’s faithfulness in your life?

Here or somewherebe real.
Share your journey.

Relevant Worship 

Great is Thy Faithfulness by Israel Houghton

You Are For Me by Kari Jobe

Reflective Scriptures

Great is His faithfulness;
His mercies begin afresh each morning.
Lamentations 3:23 NIV

“I will never fail you.
I will never abandon you.”
Hebrews 13:5b NLT

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39 NLT

Congratulations to the following winners!

Kris Lozano-$25 Target card
Christine Urritia-$10 Starbucks card
Jenn Seagroves-Portable Art Kit

Winners please FB me!


  1. Beautiful confirmation of His love and protection. Thank you!

  2. I needed to hear that, but I also have trouble believing it. I don't know what His breakthrough will look like or what true love is, but I want to know.
    Kimberly G

  3. Amen! He is never done! He takes us from glory to glory! GREAT is HIS faithfulness!

  4. Kimberly G, I pray that you will tangibly be able to know and experience His breakthrough and I also pray that you will know that you know that you know His true unconditional love for YOU! You are dearly loved by a GREAT BIG God who died just for you!

  5. I needed to read that right now. I have to believe!
    He is faithful. MN

  6. ALWAYS needing to be reminded. Thank you.
