Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Drawn By Love by Lesley Glenn

A Note from Laura:

Sometimes it takes a friendships years to experience any kind of depth. And then there are those rare times when connection happens immediately. This is the case with my friend Lesley Glenn. I have been personally touched by her passion to live an authentic life with God and others. Because of her deep communion with our Lord, she leaves marks on the souls of others—marks of true identity and destiny. Many lives, mine included, have been deeply touched by Lesley's compassionate and genuine love for God.

It is with great honor I introduce Lesley as this week’s Guest Blogger. You will be deeply moved as I was with her writing, her heart, and her story. Afterwards, please visit her blog to view a short video as she takes her writing topic to her art journal.

Drawn By Love
By Lesley Glenn

I saw his car in the parking lot. What was he doing here? It wasn't time…What time was it? I wanted to just walk by, so he wouldn't see me. But I was pulled in. Drawn by what?

Drawn by LOVE

As I got closer, I began to get fearful. Would he be angry? Would he accept me? I saw his head leaning against the half open window. And all of a sudden, yes, I was being—

Drawn by LOVE

He sensed my presence and he lifted his head. Our eyes locked. I took the initiative.


He rolled his window all the way down. "Hi" he replied.  "What are you doing here?"

"This is the park that I run the dog."

"Oh" he said looking down. I stood there, not knowing what to say next. 

Invite him was all I heard.

"Do you want to come and join me?"  I asked.

He looked at me, with questioning eyes and said with uncertainty, "sure." He rolled up his window, got out of his car, and locked it. We began to walk together—in silence.

The warmth of the sun beat down on our heads as the wide open space that I loved so much came into view. I let the dog go, and he immediately took off. The speed he ran spoke freedom to the very depths of my soul. We both watched the dog run and he grinned and chuckled a bit. 

"Wow! He really loves this doesn't he?"

”Yes,” I replied. Again we were quiet as we watched and stood side by side.

"It's all hitting me at once." he started.

"Yeah, I know," I replied, “so many changes." 

"I don't know where to even start”, he continued. 

He looked down at the key chain he curled up in his left hand.  Then gazing out again he watched the dog—who continued to run.

The past 18 years suddenly came together for me at that moment.

I was drawn by LOVE

I touched his arm lightly and strength allowed me to hold back the tears.

"Just start with today."

He looked at me, not able to hold back the tears.

"Thanks Mom," he said.

"You're welcome," I replied.

He was drawn by LOVE

—and the dog kept running.

How about you…
Are you being drawn by Love?

Here or somewhere…be real.
Share your journey.

Drawn By Love was an encounter Lesley had with her 18 year old son the day before his high school graduation.

Lesley Glenn is the founder of Dandelion Wishes, a non-profit organization established to effect hope, healing, and renewal to women, teens, and children through therapeutic art. Her passion is to impart destiny and give purpose to those once desolate especially to those who have been sexually exploited. Lesley has made significant impact on many lives as near as Southern California and as far as Nicaragua. She and her husband of 20 years have three children and reside in Corona, California where together they are drawn by Love to release their three children into their open wide spaces to discover God-given destiny.


Art Response
Click here for Lesley’s art journal response to Drawn By Love.

Reflective Scripture
I've never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love and more love.
Jeremiah 31: 3 Message


  1. Whew!- I think everyone can identify with the pressures of graduating from the known to the unknown, increasing responsibility and opportunity- what we need are mothers ( and fathers)to draw us out- to help that transition-

    thanks for that


  2. Ahh! The beauty of love and the freedom it brings!

  3. For many years I felt worthless and empty it took so long to where I'm standing and it hit me... I am LOVED and the sorrow and pain went away and now I feel I'm drawn by LOVE!

  4. This was POWERFUL Lesley. (And yes, it made me cry.) I can relate deeply. I too, have been drawn by love and so have my children. Beautiful! Mel
